Have you ever thought about how the ministry of St John’s is made possible? Who pays for the ministers, the upkeep of the building… who pays to keep the lights on?
We are funded entirely from what we give and raise as a local church community and so all the ministry that you see and experience here is made possible by the giving of members of our church. Recent budgets have run to $200,000 to nearly $250,000. St John’s encourages all members of our church to contribute to costs of what we believe God is doing here.
One of the important ways to support our work is through regular financial giving. There are two options for regular electronic giving:
1. Direct CREDIT: money sent from your bank to the church account.
This requires you to ask your bank to send money from your account to the church bank account. If you have online banking, you need to fill in the name, BSB number and bank account number of the church, as well as how much you want to transfer, and how often (monthly, weekly fortnightly). There is usually an option to include your details, which will show up on our bank statements. If you would like to give anonymously, you could enter something like: “Parishioner”, “Church member” or something like that. Our details are:
BSB: 705-077
A/C: 00040401
Name: St John’s Anglican Church Newcastle
2. Direct DEBIT: money taken from your account by the church’s bank
This requires you to download, print, and fill in the attached form, which is sent to the church’s bank. They then take the amount of money that you specify as regularly as you want, either from your bank account, or your credit/debit card. If you would like to set up direct debit, please fill in the attached form and either bring it to church on Sunday or post it to us.
Download: Planned Electronic Giving Form
On behalf of parish council, and all who deeply care for for the future of our parish, we want to say a deep thank-you to everyone who has been able to give in this way. Thank you!