Children’s Ministry | 9:30am Sunday
We welcome children of all ages to our 9.30am service. We have a play area at the back of the church for younger children, where we provide toys and activities, and are developing a structured program for older kids.
Kids’ Church | 5:00pm Sunday
Although the 5pm Kids’ Church is offered in the church hall during the sermon. The children at 5pm are encouraged to take part in the service itself, and often help with singing at the front of church. Kids’ Church starts in the hall after the opening worship time; games and activities, Bible stories, and interactive discussion stimulate their exploration of the Bible and Christian issues.
‘KoG’ Upper Primary Group | Friday 4.45pm
KoG is our after-school program for kids in Grades 2 – 6. At KoG we meet together to have some fun, play some games and explore our faith and the Bible a little bit further. Run by our Youth Minister Lyndsey, KoG meets every Friday of the school term in the St John’s Church Hall.
When: 4.45pm – 6pm, Friday’s during school term
Where: St John’s Church Hall
Who: Kids in Grades 2–6
St John’s is committed to the highest standards of care & safety in our programmes for children and youth. All adult staff and volunteers in these programmes have a Working With Children Check as required by law. Additionally, they must also complete ‘Safe Ministry Training’ and have a refresher every 3 years. The church has a Safe Ministry Representative who monitors the currency and record-keeping for these accreditations.
For more information regarding the Anglican Church’s safe ministry policy, click the button.