St Johns Youth | Friday 7pm
St Johns Youth is a weekly bible study and fellowship group for teens in grades 7–12. We meet together each Friday during school term to share our faith, explore important issue and get to know God’s Word. St John’s youth is a relaxed, safe environment for young people to be themselves and express their views. Each week we spend time hanging out, getting to know God’s word and catching up together, as well as sharing a meal.
Who: Youth Grades 7 – 12
When: 7pm – 8:30pm, during school term
Where: St John’s Church Hall
St John’s is committed to the highest standards of care & safety in our programmes for children and youth. All adult staff and volunteers in these programmes have a Working With Children Check as required by law. Additionally, they must also complete ‘Safe Ministry Training’ and have a refresher every 3 years. The church has a Safe Ministry Representative who monitors the currency and record-keeping for these accreditations.
For more information regarding the Anglican Church’s safe ministry policy please visit safeministry.org.au